EnigmA Amiga Run 1999 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 34 (1999)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1999-02].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
192 lines
#ifndef _XpTableP_h
#define _XpTableP_h
#include <X11/Xp/COPY>
* SCCS_data: @(#) TableP.h 1.5 92/06/10 06:14:44
* XpTable - Forms-based composite widget/geometry manager.
* Class heirarchy:
* Core
* Composite
* XpTable
* Originally implemented by:
* David Harrison
* University of California, Berkeley
* 1989
* Many bug fixes and enhancements provided by
* marbru@auto-trol.com Martin Brunecky
* nazgul@alphalpha.com Kee Hinckley
* pastor@PRC.Unisys.COM Jon A. Pastor
* Completely re-implemented by:
* David.Smyth@SniAP.MchP.SNI.De
#include <X11/Xp/Table.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
/* Method definitions
No new methods. I can't imagine how anyone is going to sub-class
THIS Widget, as the coupling between the behavior and the instance
members is rather intense!
/* XpTable Class Part: Information kept in class record
typedef struct _XpTableClassPart {
caddr_t extension;
} XpTableClassPart;
/* Class hierarchy
typedef struct _XpTableClassRec {
CoreClassPart core_class;
CompositeClassPart composite_class;
XpTableClassPart table_class;
} XpTableClassRec;
extern XpTableClassRec xpTableClassRec;
/* Private data types
All of these structures are often used as elements of null terminated arrays.
/* Table Location structs.
These are used to describe each widget location, in both the
default_layout and the real_layout. In the default_layout, the
location structs contain a quark, in the real_layout they contain the
actual widget and the orig* fields are set.
typedef struct _XpTableLoc {
XrmQuark w_quark; /* Widget name quark */
Widget w; /* actual widget */
int col, row; /* Position in table */
int col_span, row_span; /* Positions spanned */
int orig_width, orig_height;/* Childs orig size */
XpTableOpts options; /* Child layout options */
} XpTableLocRec; /* *XpTableLoc */
/* XpTableLoc Methods
extern XpTableLoc XpTableLocNew _(( int /*num*/ ));
extern XpTableLoc XpTableLocGrow _(( XpTableLoc ));
extern XpTableLoc XpTableLocCopy _(( XpTableLoc ));
extern XpTableLoc XpTableLocParse _(( String /*layout*/ ));
extern XpTableLoc XpTableLocFind _(( XpTableLoc, Widget /*toFind*/ ));
extern XpTableLoc XpTableLocFindDefault _(( XpTableLoc, Widget /*toFind*/ ));
extern XpTableLoc XpTableLocFindAtPosition _((XpTableLoc,int/*col*/,int/*ro*/));
extern int XpTableLocLen _(( XpTableLoc ));
extern int XpTableLocPreferredWidth _(( XpTableLoc, int /*shrink*/ ));
extern int XpTableLocPreferredHeight _(( XpTableLoc, int /*shrink*/ ));
extern int XpTableLocNumCols _(( XpTableLoc ));
extern int XpTableLocNumRows _(( XpTableLoc ));
extern int XpTableLocCompareColSpan _(( XpTableLoc, XpTableLoc ));
extern int XpTableLocCompareRowSpan _(( XpTableLoc, XpTableLoc ));
extern void XpTableLocFree _(( XpTableLoc ));
/* Table Vector Structs
A table has two of these vectors: one for columns, and one for rows.
typedef int XpTableVectorOpts;
#define TBL_VEC_MINIMIZE 0x01
#define TBL_VEC_LOCK 0x02
typedef struct _XpTableVector {
XpTableVectorOpts options; /* Apply to entire col or row */
int value; /* width of col, hieght of row */
int pref_value; /* minimum or preferred value */
int offset; /* of upper left corner of cell */
} XpTableVectorRec, *XpTableVector;
/* XpTableVector Methods
#define TABLE XpTableWidget
#define DO_COL (int)1
#define DO_ROW (int)0
extern XpTableVector XpTableVectorNew _(( int, TABLE, int ));
extern void XpTableVectorFree _(( XpTableVector ));
extern void XpTableVectorMinimize _(( XpTableVector, int, TABLE, int));
extern int XpTableVectorTotalSize _(( XpTableVector, int, TABLE, int));
extern int XpTableVectorPreferredSize _(( XpTableVector, int, TABLE, int));
extern void XpTableVectorAdjust _(( XpTableVector, int /*len*/, int /*amt*/));
extern void XpTableVectorComputeOffsets _(( XpTableVector, int, int, int ));
#undef TABLE
typedef enum _ResizeStatus { RSinit, RSdone, RSdueToRequest } ResizeStatus;
/* XpTable Part: Information kept in instance record
typedef struct _XpTablePart {
/* controlling members, set by SetValues or from resource database
Boolean force_shrink; /* Shrink smaller than pref'd */
Boolean shrink_simple; /* Shrink simple widgets */
int margin_width; /* to left and right of kids */
int margin_height; /* above and below table kids */
int col_spacing; /* Space between columns */
int row_spacing; /* Space between rows */
XpTableOpts default_options;/* Default child layout options */
XpTableLoc default_layout; /* Layout spec (orig from xrdb) */
/* internally computed members
XpTableLoc real_layout; /* Computed current layout */
int num_cols; /* Number of columns */
XpTableVector cols; /* Widths and opts of each col */
int num_rows; /* Number of rows */
XpTableVector rows; /* Heights and opts of each row */
/* State indications
ResizeStatus resizeStatus; /* if Resize method invoked */
} XpTablePart;
/* Instance hierarchy
typedef struct _XpTableRec {
CorePart core;
CompositePart composite;
XpTablePart table;
} XpTableRec;
/* Geometry Management Support Methods
extern void XpTableNewLayout _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern void XpTableRecomputeLayout _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern void XpTableResizeLayout _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern void XpTableNewRealLayout _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern void XpTableAppendToDefaultLayout _(( XpTableWidget, XpTableLoc ));
extern void XpTableNewColsAndRows _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern void XpTableMakeColsFitWidth _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern void XpTableMakeRowsFitHeight _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern int XpTablePreferredWidth _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern int XpTablePreferredHeight _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern void XpTableRequestResize _(( XpTableWidget ));
extern void XpTableSetGeometryOfChildren _(( XpTableWidget ));
#endif /* _XpTableP_h */